For this project we created a 3min trade show loop video combining two animations we made that could be used individually or separately. Film922, who project managed these, approached us with the task of creating a 1min 3D animated marketing video for Mevion Medical Systems. That evolved into this 3min piece that we created all the visuals for including the 3D design, animation, and motion graphics. The first part (1min11sec) features the Mevion S250 Hyperscan and was created with Cinema4D with finishing in After Effects. We were provided some 3D assets and reference of the scanner and other pieces in the scene. The rest we either purchased, modeled or created ourselves for animation and post effecting. The second part (1min49sec) features the Mevion S250 and it’s benefits to cancer care facilities. This was a quick couple day project added at the end of the Hyperscan video production where we were asked to take provided photos and repurpose/alter one of the 3D scene from the Hyperscan video to create this infographic style video. We use Cinema4D for the 3D scene and Illustrator, Photoshop, and After Effects for the design, motion graphics, and finishing. Combined these two videos ran as a 3min loop on a 90in monitor at Mevion’s trade show booth.
This was the response we received from the client after the trade show:
“Our show has been a success and in a huge part to your help! You both were amazing…so patient and efficient to work with. I couldn’t have thought that we’d get this done at this high level in such a short amount of time. We’ve had many compliments on the video and several other medical device vendors interested in your work. I’ve handed off your information so you may be getting a few phone calls!”