Hello and thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio.
I’ve selected a few projects that demonstrate my abilities and style as a designer of over 25 years. I hope to show my passion for and understanding of design, creativity, problem-solving, technical ability, communication, and collaboration.
Feel free to use these links where you can find out more About Me and my company PixelBarn to see more examples of my work
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Logo Design & Animation
I recently created a new logo to celebrate 15 years of my business. I wanted to create a logo that illustrated my experience in sign design, sports graphics, interest in architecture, and love for timber framing. I started with a rough sketch and developed that into a 3D logo. I wanted the barn part of the logo to build when animated and designed it so I’d also have an environment to animate within. The background of the logo scene below is a larger version of the barn within the logo. This was animated and used as the opening to my company’s demo reel.
Demo Reel
Below is my demo reel which starts with the animated version of the logo above (blink and you’ll miss it). This video is a highlight reel to showcase all my best 3D and Motion Graphics work in a short edit. I was responsible for the 2D and 3D design, modeling, lighting, rendering, and animation in this video.
3D & Motion Design
The following are a few images from projects I’ve created that demonstrate my understanding of 3D design and space, scale, attention to detail, and technical ability.
Virtual Sets
These images are from a development pitch video for a game show. The actors were shot in a greenscreen studio. I was responsible for the technical direction during shooting, editing, 3D environment design and animation, and compositing the final video.
I similarly helped create a pilot episode for a children’s television show combining video of an actor/workbench within a 3D environment and interacting with a 3D character.
The following virtual sets were part of a television show graphics package I created. You can view a full project description here.
Sign Design
I started my career in sign design and was fortunate enough to design and help fabricate some complex and sculptural designs. The photographs included in some of the designs show the finished projects.
1st Architectural Drawings
I’m also including the first architectural drawings I created in a drafting class in high school. Everyone else did rectangular plans, but I attempted something a little more complicated. As you can see, I’ve had an interest in architecture my whole life.